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Students are involved in various faculty-led security projects at the Cybersecurity Center. Students can work up to 20 hours and are paid hourly stipend. CMU faculty mentor and guide students in research and projects at an undergraduate level. Some projects have clients involving local and regional businesses.


Some of the research areas faculty and students have been involved with are: Applied Machine learning in the security topics such as Intrusion Detection System, 恶意网址, Tor和深度网络, 等.

Research Publications

Following are some of the selected publications involving CMU faculty undergraduate students at the Cybersecurity Center.

  1. Detection and Characterization of DDoS Attacks using Time-based Features
    J. 哈,. 卡伦,N. 盐水,J. 沃伦,K. 呸!咄!,R. Basnet J. 卑尔根和T. Doleck
    IEEE Access,卷. 10, May 2022, DOI: 10.1109 /访问.2022.3173319
  2. Feature Engineering and Maching Learning Model Comparison for Malicious Activity Detection in the DNS-Over-HTTPS Protocol
    M. 本克先生,. 盐水,D. 卡伦,K. Schwerdtfeger J. 沃伦,R. Basnet和T. Doleck
    IEEE Access,卷. 9, pp. 129902-129916, Sept. 2021, doi: 10.1109 /访问.2021.3113294
  3. Application of Deep Learning on the Characterization of Tor Traffic using Time based Features
    C. 约翰逊,B. Khadka, E. 鲁伊斯., J. 哈,T. Doleck和R. Basnet
    JISIS - Journal of Internet Services and Information Security, pp. 44 - 63,卷. 11, No. 2021年3月1日
  4. Towards Detecting and Classifying 恶意网址 Using Deep Learning
    C. 约翰逊,B. Khadka, R. B. Basnet和T. Doleck
    Journal of Wireless Mobile Networks, Ubiquitous Computing, and Dependable Applications (JoWUA), 11(4):31-48, 12月. 2020 . DOI: 10.22667 / JOWUA.2020.12.31.031
  5. Towards Detecting and Classifying Network Intrusion Traffic Using Deep Learning Frameworks
    R.B. Basnet R. 优质棉细布,C. 约翰逊,我. Walgren和T. Doleck
    Journal of Internet Services and Information Security, Vol. 9, No. 4, pp. 11月- 17,. 2019
  6. Examining the Relationship between Threat and Coping Appraisal in Phishing Detection among College Students
    D.J. 勒梅,R.B. Basnet和T. Doleck
    Journal of Internet Services and Information Security, Vol. 10, No. 1, pp. 38-49, 3月. 2020
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