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At Colorado Mesa University, 我们为您在获得会计学位后成为一名成功的专业会计师奠定基础. You can study accounting at the bachelor's level, as a minor combined with another major, 或通过我们的3+2课程结合工商管理硕士(MBA). 

What sets our program apart?

在CMU获得会计学位是获得注册会计师执照的第一步. We have a small, 高质量的会计学位课程有专门的教师谁有经验的会计工作.

Each Spring, 我们的学生有独特的机会通过CMU的税务援助计划与地区注册会计师一起工作, 审查学生准备的回报和回答研究和回报相关的问题. Several students participate in internships each year, primarily during the tax season, to get hands-on experience with CPA firms. 拥有会计学位的毕业生通常在完成课程之前就有了工作机会.


本课程是为不希望获得注册会计师认证的本科生设计的. 一般会计学位集中为学生提供基本的商业技能以及在私营企业或政府会计部门工作所需的会计知识.

Academic Requirements for Bachelor of Science in General Accounting

公共会计专业为学生提供基本的商业技能以及通过注册会计师(CPA)考试所需的会计知识. 该课程的毕业生有很高的注册会计师考试通过率,并被当地和地区的注册会计师事务所大量招聘. Most graduates will have job offers months before they graduate. 该课程被设计为3+2会计课程的本科部分,可以在五年内获得会计学士学位和工商管理硕士学位(MBA). 公共会计专业是3+2课程的必修课程, in conjunction with the 3+2 program, will provide the curriculum needed for CPA licensure.

Academic Requirements for Bachelor of Science in Public Accounting

无论你的专业是什么,会计都是商业语言, 你掌握的会计知识越多,你对管理职位的准备就越充分. This is a rigorous minor that will stand out on a resume.

Academic Requirements for Minor in Accounting

3+2课程是一个五年计划,使学生能够获得会计学学士学位和工商管理硕士学位. 这种结合可以帮助学生获得参加注册会计师考试所需的时间. Through careful planning and coordination, 学生可以完成他们的四年制学位,并开始他们的研究生学位, finishing both simultaneously.


An accounting degree has 360 degrees of possibilities. Every business needs accounting help, whether it's a Wall Street law firm, a professional sports team, movie production company or a rock band. 有了适当的会计教育,你的就业选择是无止境的. 

Accounting degree graduates often find careers in:

  • Public accounting
  • Private accounting
  • Government accounting
  • Tax return preparation and planning
  • Auditing
  • Financial statement preparation

If you are considering a career in business, 成为一名注册会计师(CPA)会让你成为任何商业团队的明星球员. Since CPAs understand the nuts-and-bolts of finance, 从高科技公司到音乐产业,再到快节奏的电子商务世界,他们的专业知识无处不在. 注册会计师的称号是一个垫脚石,任何商业生涯,你可以想象. Did you know that the chairmen of several Fortune 500 companies, including Nike (Phil Knight), 家得宝(Home Depot)和UNISYS (Lawrence Weinbach)都是注册会计师?

Need more info on career options for accounting? Explore what you can do with an accounting degree. Or contact IRIS for academic and career advising.

Dominguez Hall, home to the Department of Business

College to Career

Drisa Carrizo, a 2008 graduate from the BS Accounting & MBA (3+2 Program), 她是否利用在CMU获得的知识和技能创办了自己的企业,担任税务和一般商业顾问.

More about this graduate

Focused on preparedness

我们希望为未来的注册会计师提供他们在职业生涯中取得成功所需的工具,并通过注册会计师考试实现这一目标. 以下是关于2016年注册会计师考试合格率的一些统计数据.

  • CMU会计专业毕业生在所有四个方面都超过了全国平均水平, and the Colorado state-wide average in three out of four sections.
  • For first-time takers of the 2016 CPA exam, CMU graduates were #1 in Colorado, and #16 nation-wide, among medium-size schools.
  • CMU会计专业的毕业生在科罗拉多的大型院校中名列前茅, earning higher-than-average scores in two out of four parts, 并且比科罗拉多州其他所有大型院校的毕业生表现更好.
  • When compared to Colorado institutions with large graduate programs, CMU的毕业生在四个部分中的两个方面表现更好,与这些商学院并列第一, 并且比其他所有拥有大型研究生项目的机构表现得更好.
  • 与有严格入学要求的科罗拉多大学相比, CMU的毕业生在四个部分中的两个方面表现更好,与这些商学院并列第一, 并且比科罗拉多州所有其他有严格入学要求的大学表现得更好.

Many CMU accounting students offered employment before graduation

Thursday, December 6, 2018

毕业后找不到合适的工作可能是许多学生焦虑的一个来源, 但pp电子极速糖果会计专业的一些学生在毕业前一年多就有工作要找了. 会计课程和会计俱乐部为学生在毕业前被公司录用提供了充足的机会.

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