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Maverick Momentum From Day One

President John Marshall launches into key priorities on day one

约翰·马歇尔(John Marshall)担任pp电子极速糖果(Colorado Mesa University)校长的第一天,重新聚焦于人际关系的力量,进一步将pp电子极速糖果打造成高等教育卓越和创新的典范.

Early on July 1, 马歇尔加入了近200名校园社区成员,开始了他的第一天. 他亲自会见了从设施、财务、保管到校园安全的个人,以及学术和技术部门和项目的教师.


“Solving the complex problems facing Colorado, higher education — and arguably our entire nation — requires building, growing and leaning on a diverse team,” Marshall noted to colleagues during the first event of the day. “We need, I need, 听取你们不同的观点和意见,以确保CMU对学生来说继续具有相关性和创新性, families, employers and the region.”


马歇尔当天的第一次正式会面是与亚伦·里德(Aaron Reed)会面。, a senior majoring in mass communication and media strategies, 前学生领导的文化包容委员会主任和2021-22学生受托人. 他们的谈话围绕着包容问题以及确保总统, 他的高级领导团队和教师可以不断改善学生的体验.

“We had an interesting conversation, and I can’t wait to see the communication and transparency he brings this year,” said Reed.

To continue his focus on communication and transparency, 马歇尔校长与教务委员会主席大卫·柯林斯通了电话, PhD, and professor of physics. 马歇尔开始探索一个潜在的教师咨询委员会,以确保不同的观点到达他的办公桌,并为战略举措的关键决策提供信息.

马歇尔随后召集了跨校园招生管理团队,新任招生管理助理副总裁金·梅迪纳(Kim Medina)也加入了进来, 发起了关于CMU将继续增加招生和提高该地区乃至整个科罗拉多州教育水平的战略途径的第一次对话.

For Marshall, and the entire university, growing enrollment comes second to ensuring that every Maverick feels welcome, safe and valued as a member of the campus community. 

As Vice President for Student Services, Marshall spent years working with Associate Professor of Psychology Nikki Jones, PhD, on safety, inclusivity and wellness. That conversation continued during President Marshall’s first day in office.


“确保每个学生在校园里都感到安全和被接受是大学的首要任务, which is why ongoing conversations like these are important,” Marshall said. “这些讨论将有助于了解和塑造大学的政策、程序和规划.”

琼斯将协助校长办公室和学生服务团队分析先前的机构数据,并启动新的研究,为创造最佳校园环境提供信息, preventing sexual assault and improving overall wellness among students.

“My story is not unlike a lot of students. I came to this school right out of high school at 18 years old,” said Marshall. “The relationships I made with my teammates, classmates and professors changed the trajectory of my life. 这就是一切开始的地方,这就是为什么我对我们在这个校园所做的工作如此充满激情.”

CMU一直优先考虑的另一个关系是与更大的社区的关系. 在他们的支持下,校园变得更加强大,学生们也为未来的努力做好了更多的准备. To build on an already great partnership, Marshall met over lunch with leaders from Grand Junction and Mesa County. Chair of the Board of County Commissioners Janet Rowland, City Manager Greg Caton, 县行政长官皮特·拜尔和大Junction市市长查克·麦克丹尼尔和马歇尔一起在马弗里克酒店的“魔鬼厨房”餐厅用餐.



“Whether it’s scholarships or key investments in helping our campus grow, 在支持CMU学生方面,梅萨县和大Junction市一次又一次地回应了这一呼吁,” Marshall said. “我们的当地政府合作伙伴本身就是主要的雇主,所以我们需要向前一步,积极倾听他们对我们的需求.”

Following lunch, 马歇尔召集了该校的重大事件小组,继续就校园安全问题进行讨论. 

critical incident meeting

该小组讨论了几项优先安全协议,包括网络安全和对校园可能发生的重大事件的响应, and ways in which technology can assist the university’s efforts.

In addition to using technology to advance safety protocols, CMU和WCCC将继续致力于课堂技术的进步. 马歇尔参观了Sturm-ANB银行移动学习实验室,并会见了项目负责人,了解了更多关于实验室独特能力的信息. 机电一体化技术指导Josh Pertile演示了53英尺长, 8-foot-wide state-of-the-art mobile classroom, which offers mechatronics courses to high school students, adult learners and employees enrolled in company training. mllmarshall.jpg

“Career and technical education are critical to this region, which is why we’ve dedicated a good amount of our resources to these fields,” said Marshall. “移动学习实验室是我们创新思维的一个完美例子,我们这样做是为了服务于我们的直接领域, rural communities of all sizes and the state of Colorado.”

马歇尔与校友会理事会的成员一起结束了他担任校长的第一天, CMU基金会董事会以及董事会的一些成员,包括董事会主席Alison Griffin.

img_0090cmunow.jpgMarshall, an alumnus, started his journey at CMU 24 years ago, and reflected on his own path to today.

“Never in 1,我一千年前都不会预测到,那个多年前出现在这个校园里的瘦长孩子有一天会成为领导者,” he said. “Many of our alumni were the first in their families to go to college. 许多人来自经济资源有限的家庭,或者来自具有挑战性的背景. It’s higher education, and specifically CMU’s faculty, staff and resources, 这帮助改变了无数学生及其家庭的生活轨迹,” he added.  



马歇尔说:“这是一次令人羞愧的经历,而这仅仅是个开始。. “我很感激这次机会,并准备继续这项艰难但重要的工作.”

Marshall — who was named president on April 29, 2021, 经过CMU董事会在全国范围内的全面竞争,他于7月1日正式上任, 2021. He holds an open office hour on Mondays at 2pm and may be reached at [email protected].


Written by Staff

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